Monday, October 16, 2023


PREFACE: something something old something something stream of consciousness something something i wrote it a trillion years ago at the dawn of time. also im not editing it because im lazy 


I’m going into this shit kinda fuckin annoyed. I heard some sick twisted fuckers, No no let me re-phrase that; These fucking morons dm me and tell me “hah Hah hey liam your artstyle kinda looks like the guys from the fucking kid cudi movie aint that funny hah hah?” and I saw a screenshot and was immediately taken up with a great, insecure, anger at the screen shot in front of me. I felt a new burning god of hatred in the back of my eyes spying this fucking thing.

I noticed in the trailer for this movie A while ago seeing one of those stupid bear art deco real life nft things that I remember seeing another youtube video about 100 million years ago. They seem stupid and I don’t like them and I’m not entirely sure why. I think they’re on cereal boxes now or something but I could be falling victim to the god of internet misinformation again. Maybe the stupid art bare thing isnt bad and its just another way to get money without really hurting too many people. I hate it and my intestines tell me its bad.

Some part of my guts hates the nice studio apartments. I mean it reasonable and tracks, these are people who’re about to make it.

I’m 20 minutes and 4 seconds into this movies so far and it feels off somehow. Like its close to me liking it but I don’t quite. Something about the style feels dead and sterile and too clean but also like it doesn’t jump over some hoop quite as far as it should. It’s competently shot, edited, and animated but somethings holding it back for me and I don’t know what.

Oh shit we’re coming up to the scene that filled my guts with ice and hatred and bullets and knives and fire and all that shit. This is the scene that image one of the twats dmed me came from.

I take it all back, I liked the mr rager nightmare sequence a lot. It very much so appeals directly to my weak spot in the form of striking ultra violence and surreality with a edgy noir tinge. I have this knife in my gut thats still antagonised about the len scene but whatever. I’m empty of thought and satisfied in the pleasure center so I will truck on with the rest of the movie.

Wait, wait wait a fucking minute, there’s this really cool camera shot before we cut to the len scene, when jabari and his pet morons go out partying. I liked that, it was good. I have this crippling paranoid fear and minor delusion that the movie may be good and enjoyable. I still have plenty of time to rip of kid cudis fuckig head though, onwards into the breach.

Around the 28 minute mark when jabari wakes up because his neighbors are partying at like three am (I am surprised with myself that I fucking noticed this) I just started fiddling around with one of the consumer guilts on my desk in the form of the transformers kingdom/legacy blaster action figure. I love him, he turns into a fucking boom box. I hate this dumb shit with his hands though that kinda sucks. When transformers are designed, not all the parts are cast out of the same plastic. They have a few different molds that have the plastics poured in, then the little fuckers are cut out and stuck together to make the whole fucking thing. I bring this up because Blaster didn’t come by himself, He came with a little dude called Eject, and he’s cast almost completely out of fucking blue clear plastic, like some other plastic on this guy. Mother fucking hmmmmmmm….

Clear plastic sucks 99% of the time if its used in the wrong way on a toy because its so fucking brittle and weak, if you have a toy that has clear plastic joints you wanna play easy with that shit because you will fucking break it eventually. Its usually fine if its say, an insert on sturdier plastic or some shit like that.

So this guy, james or brandon, or william or tanner or tristen or blake or roger or whatever his fucking name is he’s a twat. Hes the guy thats supposed to be like the middle aged white suburbs soccer mom kind of racist. Kid cudi really likes this girl minnow or something.

Wait wait I gotta dial it back a little bit further, kid cudi wakes up because his neighbors are partying or something and then he goes over there to tell them to shut the fuck up then he gets hardcore pussy whipped by meadow when she appears on screen. Wait wait wait I just remembered that in the beginning of kid cudi movie she sees him bring in his ugly art bear thing.

This next scene starts up and as soon as I see the chicks face with like the yellow background I immediately know kid cudi is fucking jerkin off and then in literally 3 seconds my premonition of the future is rewarded with jabari jerkin, but he doesn’t finish because god hates him and fate makes meadow fucking knock on his door and he’s just trying to hide his boner. But like he fucking, dude he fucking has a fucking wood and he just full on opens the door like he doesn’t care if anyone sees his fucking shit and then course corects ONLY because he fucking realises who it is. What if you knocked on kid cudis door and he fucking greeted you with a boner and a warm hand shake. Its fucking powerful. Kid cudi might me and unstoppable fucking cosmic social apex predator of some sort, some kind of fucking inter dimensional psychopath.

This is fucking horse shit I fucking hate this bitch I wanna rip her intestines out with a fucking hand saw. My fucking guy is being fucking- ooooh this is fucking bullshit. So like, earlier when guys at the fucking instagram ass comic place some fucking dork names like len walks in and says like “woah woah woah bro, like edgy cool action guy thats nice and all haha buddy pal but errrr thats kinda like mmmmm not what we do here haha” and like kid cudi kinda takes it to heart and now when we see the mr rager character he’s got a white suit on. Like hes still cool but he’s been compramised by some fucking guys opinion/ the fucking company bullshit he deals with.

I got board of watching the movie. Recently I’ve been playing terraria with one of my farthest enemies, my good pal cleffa. Really funny guy

I played terraria a lot when I was younger on the xbox 360. I remember

It’s been teo or three days, I got board of entergalactic and decided to watch 2021’s censor. Its like a british thriller flick.

I REALLY liked censor. The twist at the end combined with the mostly solid cinematography won me over. Just a really good horror thriller. I enjoyed this movie more so then anything else I might be talking about in this period of time where you are listening to me.

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