Sunday, October 15, 2023


Before we get started with this lukewarm extremely biased opinion  piece, I feel as if I should make somethings clear before we get to the meat of tonight's subject:

I, Rowdy Fucker Slam, am clearly the number one most reputable source for information and opinions on hundred year old foreign conflicts, and everything I say here is gospel and should be treated as such. because semi-ignorant American white white trailer trash like me are the ones who really know all the things and pull all the strings.

And now, we begin.

first off, the shit happening in Israel was fucking awful. What Hamas did to those civilians was fucking nightmarish.

but any stupid prick who feels surprised by this should screw their heads back on and look at the context around this

it would have been nice if we could live in a world where these two groups of people didn't hurt each other, but we live on earth in the year of our slaver 2023

I’m going to say this one time, I’m being a little bit facetious with this next quote, but in 2023 you cant trust people to be charitable with your opinion, so I'm gonna say it here before the actual quote that every bastard will read, Israeli citizens and foreign tourists are not equivalent to fucking Nazis. With that said:

what happened with the Hamas shit is like if the Jews suddenly killed 200 Nazis in WWII and others others looked on and said "holy fuck those poor Nazis. How dare the oppressed group of people retaliate with heinous ultra violence? Why would they do such a thing?"

>inb4 comparing Israel to Nazi Germany

Israel ain't like the fucking Nazis. they're a different kind of expansionist fundamentalist nationalist asshole war addicted nation.

I'm just saying, after you hear stories and see videos and hear about war crimes where Israel bullies and pushes Palestinians around, and years of conflict you cant be fucking surprised when some shit like this happens

Now I know this shit goes two ways. As I said before, what happened wasn’t right. But anyone who’s surprised, or even pretends to add their flaccid stupid middling liberal democrat soccer mom takes is a fool.

My favorite part of this whole shit show has been seeing the growing divide between the real leftists, and the well meaning idiot liberals of this nation. Aging uninformed Instagram generation Millennials are going to be a growing problem for leftists to contend with on issues throughout the years, maybe more so than the Nazis and capitalists on the other side of the political spectrum.


I wonder what BLP Kosher thinks of this image

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