Sunday, July 14, 2024

In An Alternate Universe, Donald Trump is Dead Right Now

My fellow Americans, we are staring down the barrel of a very strange and tumultuous election year. the continued galvanization and polarization of the primary political parties has people stressed, angry and confused on a level not understood by most. last night, an armed gunmen attempted to take the life of former president Donald Trump. and he fucking missed, much to my grand disdain.

you see, I was havin' a pretty bad day the other day. I'm a little bit behind on commissions, been worried about my health, dealing with a bit of a rodent infestation, what not with record heat for my region and a sudden black out, here I am thinking it can't get much worse. broke, a bad attitude, and everyone on Grindr looks like a used up racist rag. ugly balled things with no calculable future. homosexuality in the fucking boonies isn't exactly a pretty affair.

I go to sleep, and have horrible nightmares about asking rich people what they think of my comic, and the answers were terrifying, they either loved it or didn't know who I was and I couldn't handle either answer. sometimes the crushing weight of one's ego just comes down on you and you wake up with a whole lotta heartburn and sweat all over the bed and a mouth that tastes like 9 months of shit.

I said alllllll that shit just to say here that yesterday was ten hundred thousand times worse. my personal Darth Vader, my own little Ronald Reagan to blame all my issues on, my Satan, Donald, survived an assassination attempt. the bullet grazed his fucking ear. we were inches away from me having my first truly good day in fucking years.

On initial diagnoses, the situation looks just grade A fucked. a Fascist backed by old money aligned with corporate interests and perl clutching moral panicking sludge from the dreaded three gimped legs of the modern right in America, has survived an assassination attempt from (in the eyes of the most insecure, moronic pussies in America)a rabid Biden funded antifa Death Trooper. an amazing PR win for the ever lovely, ever lucky Donald. two inches off. two fucking inches. Also the amazing, lovely photo of him raising his fist, with the flag behind him, and all his guards huddling around him. truly, a Once in a lifetime historical moment.

Some of my friends see this as a deal sealer regarding Trump's reelection. I don't personally. It merely galvanized even further the ignorant swine that continue to vote against their own interests.I might be, no this is certainly too charitable of a give but I like to think swing voters are more knowledgeable than ever. this election, like the last two, have not been about who you're voting for, but who you're voting against. I certainly know who I'm voting against. maybe in 2028 we can finally get some real socialists into positions of power. right now we have to buckle down and make sure our worthless geriatric old man gets in over the auger of all that is the ill of the right wing.

God bless America.


Monday, December 4, 2023


i fundamentally believe the human condition is a sickness and i cant find the cure, they tell you human imperfection is innate and fair and just and stuff but at the center of literally every problem in the world is people so why do i play ball with the wants and needs of others when they carelessly trod over and hurt themselves and those around them? fuck off.

Monday, October 16, 2023



Hate all these fucking patriots and fucking nationalists man. They’re fucking worthless. All they have is some failed image of the American family and the prejudices and normalities they carry from their youths. Its simultaneously pathetic, and depressing.

Nationalism’s only good for gearing up to go to war. America rules all, and the upper middle class and the ultra-wealthy are fat and complacent. Popcorn ideology runs rampant through the two main parties and the majority of assholes. Everyone thinks that they’re right. The blue team is slimy, and wants to maintain the status quo. They say they’ll help, and pretend to want to pass legislation to help, but than suddenly the majority of them pass a bill that ends up killing more minorities and sends more pigs down to the borders to kill people that come to this country thinking they can get a second chance. On the surface, the red team is worse, but in some way I’m less scared of them. They’re predictable, they want to drag the nation back into the dark ages and pretend people like me don’t exist.

The thing I like about the red team is they’re direct in their stupidity and bias and foolishness.

They’re both slime, and hate people who make under 30k a year.

there’s never been a year where I thought to myself, “this is it!! this is the year the good ones get elected and things start to go in a positive direction!” then the prices go up, the assholes get louder, my friends kill themselves, and the rent doubles. This is no way to live, even for a thing like me. Shit, It’s barely a way to die. I’m so fucking broke I can’t even pay attention to the whole picture anymore. I used to be plugged in 24/7 to the political mechanisms of this great authoritarian Frankenstein like lobbyist infested shit hole country, but now I keep my head down. The rungs on the economic ladder are gone, the illusion of being wealthy and happy has slipped away and I and many others are left with the cold reality that this really is it, and no matter how bad it gets, tomorrow will always get a little worse somehow


PREFACE: this was a vent piece I wrote a year ago. I was having a really bad day. there's a few touch ups and redactions for privacy's sake. I'm putting it up because some of the words are really good. a few others, less so but I do in retrospect, like this.

Not gonna lie, I ain't doin’ too good chief. I feel some sort of double schizophrenic hyper miserable. Dad called me and my bro disgusting for being into men. He says things like “there’s no reason for you to be like that” and normally I just humor him and move on. Guys a prick, he finally hurt my feelings. I’d nearly forgotten what the feeling was like to be honest. It’s this kind of cold purple rolling feeling in my gut. The same place where I feel wrath and seething anger, but it’s cold and muted this time.

Don’t know what I hope to achieve by writing. Heard a friend say once it helps them process things.

I don’t know if it’ll help me. I think too fast for the writing, trip over my thoughts before I put them down. For every idea I convey I feel like I miss one. Hands not fast enough, also aching now.

Feel miserable, love my friends. As of writing I’m incredibly tired. It’s good to see most of my friends are okay with the exception of ****** they’re working on some college stuff and it’s got their guts real twisted in a knot.

I feel hopeless and scared and lost and I still got the anger at my core. It’s more muted then the horrible all consuming fire from my high school years but it’s still there lingering under every word, feeling, expression, emotion, and joke I make/say/feel. Sucks being mad, I’m mad about being mad.

Stop Being mad, Nah I wont. No reason anymore, left all the reasons at the front door, I’m a man with no mission or will, and no understanding of anything yet a head filled with half truths and fake knowledge used to build thin walls against worse half truths and lies. I’m completely composed of other’s ideas, I’m an absolute consumer, one of the worst kind. In the market place of ideas I’m completely broke, but I keep buying snake oils to sooth my ego and what little tangible problem solving intelligence I have left

I’m a walking exposed nerve, my entire body feels like a cavity in the mouth of society. Points are pointless, my ideas are failing me, discoveries I’ve made are fruitless. I have false realizations every week, bogging down the few things I actually learn and taking up important space in my brain. I’m killing myself with my own fantasies.

Someone I know thinks I’m self aware. I don’t feel self aware, I just think a lot in hyper negative doom circles. I am self aware because I know I’m not self aware. So I’m just not self aware, okay cool.



Let me be a little less subtle, I hate America. I hate this country, I hate the way these people treat each other, I hate the apathy and moral grand standing of people in our country right now. I hate seeing people say things they don’t actually care about to give the image of being “good” or “just”. I hate consumerist mediocrity, I hate god and church I hate money I hate how the middle class treats and acts around poor people, I hate cops and people in government and politicians. I hate republicans for attempting to make the country as bad as humanly possible for the sake of “the good old days” and “for god” and I hate the pathetic lip service from the democrats, or the party for the middle class. This country is a shithole. I’m not proud to live here.


PREFACE: something something old something something stream of consciousness something something i wrote it a trillion years ago at the dawn of time. also im not editing it because im lazy 


I’m going into this shit kinda fuckin annoyed. I heard some sick twisted fuckers, No no let me re-phrase that; These fucking morons dm me and tell me “hah Hah hey liam your artstyle kinda looks like the guys from the fucking kid cudi movie aint that funny hah hah?” and I saw a screenshot and was immediately taken up with a great, insecure, anger at the screen shot in front of me. I felt a new burning god of hatred in the back of my eyes spying this fucking thing.

I noticed in the trailer for this movie A while ago seeing one of those stupid bear art deco real life nft things that I remember seeing another youtube video about 100 million years ago. They seem stupid and I don’t like them and I’m not entirely sure why. I think they’re on cereal boxes now or something but I could be falling victim to the god of internet misinformation again. Maybe the stupid art bare thing isnt bad and its just another way to get money without really hurting too many people. I hate it and my intestines tell me its bad.

Some part of my guts hates the nice studio apartments. I mean it reasonable and tracks, these are people who’re about to make it.

I’m 20 minutes and 4 seconds into this movies so far and it feels off somehow. Like its close to me liking it but I don’t quite. Something about the style feels dead and sterile and too clean but also like it doesn’t jump over some hoop quite as far as it should. It’s competently shot, edited, and animated but somethings holding it back for me and I don’t know what.

Oh shit we’re coming up to the scene that filled my guts with ice and hatred and bullets and knives and fire and all that shit. This is the scene that image one of the twats dmed me came from.

I take it all back, I liked the mr rager nightmare sequence a lot. It very much so appeals directly to my weak spot in the form of striking ultra violence and surreality with a edgy noir tinge. I have this knife in my gut thats still antagonised about the len scene but whatever. I’m empty of thought and satisfied in the pleasure center so I will truck on with the rest of the movie.

Wait, wait wait a fucking minute, there’s this really cool camera shot before we cut to the len scene, when jabari and his pet morons go out partying. I liked that, it was good. I have this crippling paranoid fear and minor delusion that the movie may be good and enjoyable. I still have plenty of time to rip of kid cudis fuckig head though, onwards into the breach.

Around the 28 minute mark when jabari wakes up because his neighbors are partying at like three am (I am surprised with myself that I fucking noticed this) I just started fiddling around with one of the consumer guilts on my desk in the form of the transformers kingdom/legacy blaster action figure. I love him, he turns into a fucking boom box. I hate this dumb shit with his hands though that kinda sucks. When transformers are designed, not all the parts are cast out of the same plastic. They have a few different molds that have the plastics poured in, then the little fuckers are cut out and stuck together to make the whole fucking thing. I bring this up because Blaster didn’t come by himself, He came with a little dude called Eject, and he’s cast almost completely out of fucking blue clear plastic, like some other plastic on this guy. Mother fucking hmmmmmmm….

Clear plastic sucks 99% of the time if its used in the wrong way on a toy because its so fucking brittle and weak, if you have a toy that has clear plastic joints you wanna play easy with that shit because you will fucking break it eventually. Its usually fine if its say, an insert on sturdier plastic or some shit like that.

So this guy, james or brandon, or william or tanner or tristen or blake or roger or whatever his fucking name is he’s a twat. Hes the guy thats supposed to be like the middle aged white suburbs soccer mom kind of racist. Kid cudi really likes this girl minnow or something.

Wait wait I gotta dial it back a little bit further, kid cudi wakes up because his neighbors are partying or something and then he goes over there to tell them to shut the fuck up then he gets hardcore pussy whipped by meadow when she appears on screen. Wait wait wait I just remembered that in the beginning of kid cudi movie she sees him bring in his ugly art bear thing.

This next scene starts up and as soon as I see the chicks face with like the yellow background I immediately know kid cudi is fucking jerkin off and then in literally 3 seconds my premonition of the future is rewarded with jabari jerkin, but he doesn’t finish because god hates him and fate makes meadow fucking knock on his door and he’s just trying to hide his boner. But like he fucking, dude he fucking has a fucking wood and he just full on opens the door like he doesn’t care if anyone sees his fucking shit and then course corects ONLY because he fucking realises who it is. What if you knocked on kid cudis door and he fucking greeted you with a boner and a warm hand shake. Its fucking powerful. Kid cudi might me and unstoppable fucking cosmic social apex predator of some sort, some kind of fucking inter dimensional psychopath.

This is fucking horse shit I fucking hate this bitch I wanna rip her intestines out with a fucking hand saw. My fucking guy is being fucking- ooooh this is fucking bullshit. So like, earlier when guys at the fucking instagram ass comic place some fucking dork names like len walks in and says like “woah woah woah bro, like edgy cool action guy thats nice and all haha buddy pal but errrr thats kinda like mmmmm not what we do here haha” and like kid cudi kinda takes it to heart and now when we see the mr rager character he’s got a white suit on. Like hes still cool but he’s been compramised by some fucking guys opinion/ the fucking company bullshit he deals with.

I got board of watching the movie. Recently I’ve been playing terraria with one of my farthest enemies, my good pal cleffa. Really funny guy

I played terraria a lot when I was younger on the xbox 360. I remember

It’s been teo or three days, I got board of entergalactic and decided to watch 2021’s censor. Its like a british thriller flick.

I REALLY liked censor. The twist at the end combined with the mostly solid cinematography won me over. Just a really good horror thriller. I enjoyed this movie more so then anything else I might be talking about in this period of time where you are listening to me.



1. sex is a competition and the first person to reach orgasm is the loser

2. There’s so much information out there you could make the case for almost fucking anything anymore, and there’s so many morons out there that no matter what you say someone will come out of the wood-works to call you reasonable.

3. irony is a crutch for humor, it relies on other peoples knowledge. If you want to be funny, practice on making jokes that land regardless of the knowledge of the individual. Most people are too busy trying to not-die to be able to know half as much about the world as assholes like us do.

4. these days we’re afforded the ability to choose our own propaganda. Another tool of capitalism that keeps us pathetic. If you ever hear someone on a screen telling you exactly what you want to hear, stop and think about it for a second. Someone somewhere benefits from your continued belief in this shit.

5. Cynicism and Nihilism are poisonous philosophies that trick you into thinking they are the reasonable answer to everything. They make a ton of sense on the surface but are actually the easy, simple pill to swallow. The most vain and surface level looks at reality. It’s okay to be a bit nihilistic and cynical, but you need to constantly be on the watch and control of that shit.

6. The individual should have as many civil liberties and freedoms as possible, without putting others in significant danger. The individual and the group are equally important.

7. America is a nation of band-aiding over issues, and letting wealthy institutions and individuals subvert democracy

8. beliefs should not be worn on your shoulder.

In An Alternate Universe, Donald Trump is Dead Right Now

My fellow Americans, we are staring down the barrel of a very strange and tumultuous election year. the continued galvanization and polariza...